Setting: Riviera, St. Mary Mead
Starring: Hercule Poirot, Katherine Grey
Important Other People: the Marquis, Van Aldin, Knighton, Comte de la Roche
Agatha had just gotten divorced from her husband. This book sucks as a result. In it, we can see a lot of lessons she seemed to learn from her experience, as well as little jibes she might be giving to her ex-husband. She touts divorce as giving up, which is apparent in all the dealings between Ruth and Derek as they try to work out their situation. There is a lot of talk of rats deserting a sinking ship- which is an obvious allusion to her marriage and how she did not wish to desert it. (Definite flashes of her first husband in Derek, although I don't think Agatha ever saw herself in her portrayal of Ruth).
I don't like this book because it is ridiculously complicated and everyone has crazy names (The Marquis? Comte de la Roche? I don't even know what those names mean). There's the whole subplot about the jewel and the Greeks, and it getting stolen but it was only paste and blah blah blah. I feel bad for Agatha during this time in her life, but I like to think the humor she got out of how much she hated this book helped her through.
One question, though: Can you still send telegrams?
Interesting facts: The first appearance of George! Japp is mentioned, and it's the first appearance of the enigmatic Goby!
Favorite? NO. Least favorite, actually, and Agatha quite agrees with me. She says, "I have always hated The Mystery of the Blue Train, but I got it written...it sold just as well as my last book had done. So I had to content myself with that- though I cannot say I have ever been proud of it." She also says it is the only book she thought was really bad and maybe should not have published it. She adds, "Each time I read it again, I think it commonplace, full of cliches, with an uninteresting plot." Cliches it may have, but they are still rather informative as to her state of mind at the time.
Death by: Strangulation (Ruth)
Body Count: 1; Cumulative: 21
The Count: Poirot-5, Miss. Marple-0, Tommy and Tuppence-1, Hastings-3, Japp-2, Colonel Race-1, Superintendent Battle-1, George-1, Goby-1
Agatha's Life Lessons: You can't bear to let go- there are times when it's the only way. The world is extraordinarily alike everywhere. Hearts are pretty tough. All one wants, one gets. Things get found out by coincidence. Rats desert a sinking ship. It is well to be off with the old love before being on with the new love. Moral worth is not romantic but is appreciated by widows. A good man may be ruined by his love for a bad woman (and vice versa). To make a success of humanity, we must profit by the lessons of those below us in the animal kingdom. 3 things can't be hurried: le bon Dieu, nature, and old people. When a man is really in love he can't help looking like a sheep. Women should be calm, sympathetic, and a good cook. And my two favorites: Life is like a train- it goes on. A mirror shows the truth, but everyone stands in a different place and looks in.
Up Next: The Seven Dials Mystery
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